

The ashes of the deceased's residence at Jing An Temple are placed on the stone walls in different areas of the five floors, with each floor and area identified by a name and number for easy identification. What makes the ashes here different from other places is that all the ashes in this temple have a uniform appearance and size standard to achieve an overall visual beauty and sense of neatness, as well as to facilitate uniform management.

The Jing'an Buddhist Temple of Flushing owns the rights to the design and portrait registration of the Jing'an Temple urn, so you will not be able to buy the same model anywhere else. Moreover, when you purchase the urn and its location at Jingan Temple, you will need to fill out a contract and the relevant legal documents to prove that you have legally purchased the location and granted the permanent legal inurnment rights!

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歲月靜安 親情永隨


我們要學會與孤獨對坐,與悲傷交談,當思念的時候,請不要忘記來看看她/他, 對着先人的蓮位雙手合十,訴說你心中對他們的思念, 相信他們是可以聽到的。

Life is not perfect, nor are love and emotions. We should not desire to give a perfect expression to everything in life. Buddhist doctrine tells us that the body can leave but the spirit can live forever, and living with faith is respect for life!
We must learn to sit with loneliness and talk with sadness. When we miss her / him, please don't forget to visit her / him, pray for them in front of the lotus position of our ancestors and tell them how much you miss them in your heart.
     ... 人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。人世間情懷萬種,唯有親情最為難舍難分。我們時刻記得;骨肉縱然會分離,可親情會永遠留在心裏。
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Want to know more about our products? Please check out the URN SHOWCASE page


35-22 Prince Street

Flushing, NY 11354 

Contact Info

Email: Info@jingan-temple.org

Phone: 866-328-6638