永恆的祝福之光 -"光明燈 "是為敬神禮佛而燃燈的意義所在。據典籍記載,誠心向神佛供奉光明燈是一種無上的福報,因為這種福報能使生活變的更加光明和安全,為家人和自己點亮一盞光明燈可以求得佛祖保佑闔家幸福安康,個人事業前途一片光明!再有,因為供奉神佛的燈應該是一盞不滅的‘光彩’,所以又叫"常明燈"或"佛光燈"。
Eternal Light of Blessing - " Bright Light" is the meaning of lighting a lamp for the purpose of honoring the gods and worshipping the Buddha. According to the canonical records, it is a supreme blessing to offer the Light Lamp to the Gods and Buddhas sincerely, because this blessing can make life brighter and safer. Lighting a Light Lamp for family and oneself can ask the Buddha to bless the family with happiness and health, and the personal career with a bright future! In addition, because the lamp dedicated to God and Buddha should be an inextinguishable 'luster', so it is also called "Everlasting Light" or "Buddha Light".
There is a Light Service at Jing An Temple, and the proceeds are used for temple maintenance use.
Eternal Light of Blessing - " Bright Light" is the meaning of lighting a lamp for the purpose of honoring the gods and worshipping the Buddha. According to the canonical records, it is a supreme blessing to offer the Light Lamp to the Gods and Buddhas sincerely, because this blessing can make life brighter and safer. Lighting a Light Lamp for family and oneself can ask the Buddha to bless the family with happiness and health, and the personal career with a bright future! In addition, because the lamp dedicated to God and Buddha should be an inextinguishable 'luster', so it is also called "Everlasting Light" or "Buddha Light".
There is a Light Service at Jing An Temple, and the proceeds are used for temple maintenance use.
Lighting the Menorah can bless people with a bright future, eliminate disasters, glory and prosperity, good health, and pray for long-lasting prosperity and success. The light lamp is suitable for ordinary people of any age.
People in the "current year" can also light another lantern to pray for good health, a bright future and peace and prosperity.
Lighting the lantern at the beginning of spring has the meaning of brightening the future of the year and removing obstacles.
Lighting the Menorah can bless people with a bright future, eliminate disasters, glory and prosperity, good health, and pray for long-lasting prosperity and success. The light lamp is suitable for ordinary people of any age.
People in the "current year" can also light another lantern to pray for good health, a bright future and peace and prosperity.
Lighting the lantern at the beginning of spring has the meaning of brightening the future of the year and removing obstacles.
All believers can get the service of eternal blessing lights in Jing An Temple. The lighting can be divided into wall type and cylindrical type.
光明燈設在靜安寺樓下的【聚福祠】佛堂內 The Eternal Blessing Light is located in the Cellar of Jing An Temple