選擇一個尚好的位置配上一個特別設計與製造精良的靈灰壽盒,就是對先人最大的敬意!也使得 家人和良心得到無限的安慰。本着此份誠意與孝心,我們以百年大計為宗旨,有效地整合資源,無論是在美學、設計、選材和鑄造上都是精益求精的,堪稱達成了一項完美的人性化工程。想必靜安寺會是你一生中最值得信賴和依靠的先人居所。
Choosing a good location with a specially designed and well-made casket is the greatest tribute you can make to your ancestors! It is also a source of infinite comfort to your family and your conscience. With this sincerity and filial piety, we have effectively integrated our resources for the purpose of a hundred-year project, striving for perfection in terms of aesthetics, design, material selection and casting. The Jing An Temple will be the most trustworthy and dependable residence for your ancestors in your lifetime.

【慎終追遠】Pay attention to the life that ends and then look to the future
The four words engraved on the back of the urn mean that the family members should be careful in handling the affairs of the deceased according to the rituals, and that they should sincerely remember their ancestors and look forward to the future. This represents the Buddhist community's reverence for the deceased.
The four words engraved on the back of the urn mean that the family members should be careful in handling the affairs of the deceased according to the rituals, and that they should sincerely remember their ancestors and look forward to the future. This represents the Buddhist community's reverence for the deceased.

The lotus throne (ash box) is Divided into two selections: "Individual lotus throne" and "Companion lotus throne". The price is divided into regions. If you want to know more product details and prices, please talk to our sales representatives.